Monday, December 19, 2011


I'm starting a blog to share all the crazy things that I create (or find elsewhere) for myself to do, when I should be doing other things I don't feel like doing.  I will also add ideas that I have found that didn't work for me.  It doesn't mean the don't work, they just didn't for me.

I have a house half-full of mostly completed projects, with the hope that someday I might... who knows. Chances are I won't ever finish most of them, but I might as well share the ideas with others. Hopefully this way I can see if my ideas look as cool in real-life as they do in my head.

Lately, due to my crafty ADHD (or as one of my students told me once- The doctor told me I have ACDC!) I have been trying to keep my projects easy and simple so that I can feel that sense of accomplishment, take the picture and post it to FaceBook, and then throw the craft in the closet to give away when I remember what the heck is in that pile!

My newest passion is to reuse or upcycle items that I have laying around. I'm not a hoarder, really I'm not, but I do tend to save a lot of things "I might be able to use" in the future.

Thanks and enjoy!

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